This game is a lot of fun if you\'re into games like this it takes a little bit of hand-eye coordination and a tiny bit of thought I think it\'s actually sort of like exercise for your brain. It\'s nice to play something that doesn\'t have explosions and fights all kinds of craziness going on actually playing a game that you have to use your brain in a little hand eye coordination to do something other than slaughter pixelated bad guys is a nice change. This game is so simple, just merge 2 blocks together. But, oh my word, it is so addictive! You have a \"2\" block, then a series of random blocks. Once you get another \"2\", put them together to make a new block, \"4\". And if there is another \"4\", merge them to make a \"8\". And so on, and so on. There are a few strategies which become obvious as the game goes along.
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