Becoming a doctor is a dream job but many people can\'t afford it because of the high cost of education, this game is a doctor simulation that can be used to learn to be a doctor. There is a female patient who is full of wounds on her body, all she has to do is clean the wound, stitch the wound, apply ointment and finally apply a bandage to protect the wound from getting dirty. The patient also had a wound in the lung that had to be treated with a laser. After finishing treating all his wounds so that the patient heals he has to drink lots of fruit juices such as melons, strawberries, apples, and other fruits so that he gets lots of vitamins for the healing process Then there is a patient with many wounds on his body and also has fractures in his legs and hips, treat the patient by following the instructions. Many patients are waiting to be treated, let\'s start playing this game by becoming a doctor.
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